
Web, Mobile, SaaS, E-commerce
Сотрудники ≈ 50
Технические специалисты в Беларуси ≈ 10
Сотрудники в Беларуси ≈ 10
2007 год основания

Binitex is a professional software development company that provides outsourcing services to clients from the United States and Europe.

Binitex, located in Eastern Europe, was founded in 2007 and since the establishment have specialized in software development. Binitex provides quality software development services and satisfies client expectations. Binitex delivers a full-range of services, including: applications development outsourcing, business processes, consulting, and systems integration. Binitex employees manage small to highly complex projects, and are available to work in long-term partnerships with customers. Binitex offers several product development services, including: complete development of products, development of products based on existing architecture, and updating existing products to a new technology base.

Binitex specializes in delivering premium software, and is internationally known for its quality of work and cutting-edge technology.

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