Luware AG

Telecom, SaaS
Сотрудники ≈ 80
Технические специалисты в Беларуси ≈ 35
Сотрудники в Беларуси ≈ 35
2018 год основания

Luware is a leading provider of customized service platforms based on Microsoft Unified Communications (UC) technologies. Being a certified Microsoft Gold Partner, Luware offers a full range of all additional functions for Skype for Business, Lync and Microsoft Teams platform.

The Luwarian experience and expertise include business processes in customer service, Microsoft UC technology, product development, project management and software engineering.

With offices in Zurich, London, Minsk and New York Luware AG offers a top quality hi-end solutions for the customers across the Globe. We have a close collaboration with WÜRTH-GROUP, SAP, CREDIT SUISSE, UBS AG, ERGO, KONICA MINOLTA and many other customers helping them to achieve the highest available standards and implementing the best practices on the market.

With the help of Microsoft UC technologies, Luware supports companies in adapting the communications between their staff and the customers to present-day demands, thus meeting the constantly rising expectations of the customers and ensuring work flexibility for their staff members.

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